Blanket Hates The Light

Saturday 11 July 2009 | Published in | 0 comments


Blanket hates the light would be an equitable way, or at least a summary of the possible photography Blanket Jackson on his father's memorial service. If you squint real hard you can only see it between his two older brothers and sisters.

However, it is also true that Prince Michael Jackson II (to give "blanket" your full name) is only 7 years old, and be on stage in front of the crowd that the memorial will be quite overwhelming for anyone, let alone a boy this age. Not everyone, for example, the presence or stage of stage experience, that his father, himself, Michael Jackson, did at this age.

His sister, Paris (as it should be said that there is still some controversy about the genetic relationships here. They say that all three children by artificial insemination, but there is some confusion about the St. Michael's sperm was used in two, he was Debbie Rowe whether even her eggs were used, and still no one can make about who is the surrogate mother Blanket itself.) stated that she looked forward to a career in show business, but it must be said that it looks at the Blanket little doubt about the entire time on stage thing.

One should not be indicated when said, "Blanket hates the light", no one in that it is a refugee from the Thriller video, some of the substance of the night, which will dissolve on contact with sunlight (although the latest incarnations of the film vampires sparkle, no they are rather different from the fact that Bram Stoker had in mind). No, rather, that he is not interested in the light of celebrity, perhaps one thing that so much damage to his father lives.

Then again, he's only 7, so perhaps it is simply a 7-year-old boy?

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